Terms of use

General information:
This site is the property of MoZaïC Asset Management
Head office: 22 Rue du Pont Neuf, 75001 Paris
This site was created by : MoZaïC Asset Management
This site is maintained by : MoZaïC Asset Management
This site is hosted by: o2switch 222 Bd Gustave Flaub

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ert, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand – Siret : 510 909 807 00024 – RCS Clermont Ferrand – SARL with capital of €100,000

MoZaïC Asset Management

Applicable law:
The https://mozaic-assetmanagement.com website and these general terms and conditions are governed by French law and are written in French.

MoZaïC Asset Management reserves the right to modify the present notice at any time. The user undertakes to consult it regularly.

Personal data:
You can visit https://mozaic-assetmanagement.com without revealing your identity or any other personal information about yourself.
MoZaïC Asset Management is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting the information you provide. In particular, personal data collected on the www.hostagency.fr website is intended for use by MoZaïC Asset Management. They are confidential and treated as such.

You have the right to access and rectify any personal information that you may communicate to us, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978. You can exercise this right by contacting MoZaïC Asset Management – Address: 22 Rue du Pont Neuf, 75001 Paris
If you have subscribed to information services by e-mail (“newsletter”), you can ask to no longer receive these mails.

Please note that in order to offer you products and services that are increasingly tailored to your needs, certain non-personal information relating to your activity on this site will be automatically collected. This information is intended for MoZaïC Asset Management and may also be used for commercial or marketing purposes, or as the basis for studies and analyses.

Under no circumstances will this information be passed on to third parties. Only MoZaïC Asset Management staff have access to the data.

We take every precaution to preserve data integrity and confidentiality, and to prevent any communication.

Hypertext links:
The creation of a hypertext link to the https://mozaic-assetmanagement.com website does not require prior written authorization from MoZaïC Asset Management. However, MoZaïC Asset Management must be informed within a maximum of 30 days after the link has been set up.

MoZaïC Asset Management is in no way responsible for the content, products or services offered on sites to which the https://mozaic-assetmanagement.com site may be linked by hypertext links or any other type of link.

Intellectual property rights:
MoZaïC Asset Management advises users of this site that many elements of this site:
a) are protected by copyright legislation: this may be the case for photographs, articles, drawings, animated sequences, etc.;
b) and/or are protected by legislation on designs and models;
c) are protected by trademark legislation.

The elements thus protected are the property of MoZaïC Asset Management or of third parties having authorized MoZaïC Asset Management to use them.

Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation or commercialization, in part or in full, by any process and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) is forbidden without the prior written authorization of MoZaïC Asset Management, with the exception of the exceptions set out in Article L 122.5 of the French Intellectual Property Code, on pain of constituting an infringement of copyright and/or designs and/or trademarks, punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of €150,000.

Copyrights and/or Design Rights:
All photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without sound, as well as all works integrated into the site, are the property of MoZaïC Asset Management or of third parties who have authorized MoZaïC Asset Management to use them.

Reproductions, on paper or by computer, of the said site are authorized on condition that they are strictly reserved for personal use excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes and/or that they comply with the provisions of article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Information on services:
As part of its policy of constantly improving its services, MoZaïC Asset Management may modify the characteristics of its offer at any time. The products and/or services presented on this site are those distributed in mainland France.

In any event, the information contained on this site is of a general nature and has no contractual value.

Limitation of liability:
You use the https://mozaic-assetmanagement.com website at your own risk. MoZaïC Asset Management cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, such as material loss, loss of data or programs, or financial loss, resulting from the use of this site or sites linked to it.

MoZaïC Asset Management reserves the right to modify and update, without prior notice, the present legal notice and all the elements and products presented on the site. All these modifications are binding on Internet users, who must consult the present General Conditions each time they connect.

Statistical tracking data:
We use connection data for our consultation statistics (type of browser, number of visitors, sections visited, etc.) to optimize our site in terms of sections and navigation, but this information is not passed on to third parties.

Reproduction on paper: With the exception of iconography, the reproduction of pages from this site on paper is authorized, subject to compliance with the following three conditions:

– free distribution.
– respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced (no modifications or alterations of any kind).
– explicit reference to the https://mozaic-assetmanagement.com website as the source and mention that reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.